
Tips for Learning Rails

Most of you guys probably know Working With Rails - or even hang out at their forums like I do. There’s a board with the suiting name of Ask a Rails expert where beginning and slightly advanced Rails developers can ask the more experienced ones questions. Lately, there seem to be too many beginners for too few experts - this inspired me to write an article on some tips for picking up and starting Rails.

Experience = Pre-Requisite!

To start with: Don’t pick up Rails or Ruby if you haven’t ever programmed before or if you haven’t yet developed at least a couple of sites that actually earned someone money and/or recognition.

The reason is quite simple: Rails is a very complex and opinionated framework that hides a lot under its covers. If you’ve never experienced troubles with tainted user input (like SQL injection, CSS, CSRF, etc.) first hand and know how to handle it by yourself (i.e. without a framework doing it automatically) you’re quite likely to overlook some details even if the framework does a good job at offering basic help.
Moreover, Ruby, in my opinion, is a way too mighty language to be given to a beginner. All its meta programming features and mighty object-oriented features are hard to grasp if you’ve never dealt with anything remotely as complex before.

Obie Fernandez sums it up in an interview with Gregg Pollack at RailsConf 2008, so hop over there if you’re interested.

In short: Unless you have a very good grasp of OOP and probably a few years of experience in web development with other languages (PHP, ASP (.NET), Java, etc.), Rails is - in my opinion - definitely not right for you. You may get the job done eventually, but it’s quite likely that you’ve written bad code - i.e. it may have security holes, may not be tested thoroughly enough, etc.

Book(s)/Screencast(s) -> Real Project!

Don’t learn by theory - use it in a real project!.

After you’ve gotten familiar with the basics of Rails - by reading a good book like Agile Web Development with Rails (2nd edition covers Rails 1.2, 3rd edition - to be released in October - will cover Rails 2) or watching some screencasts over at PeepCode or Railscasts - get your hands dirty on a real project. Toying with Rails isn’t fun if all you’re doing is “Hello World” stuff - plus the progress you make is non-existent.

Standard Project > Highly Specialized Bulls$$t

When I say “Use it in a real project”, I mean a project that is not overly big and doesn’t require lots of “non standard” features.

Lots of people at the forums say they’re totally new to Rails (or have just started programming at all) ask about very specific topics: They want ActiveRecord to generate some CSV or Excel spreadsheets, use task scheduling, display pretty graphs and what not. If you test-drive something (be it a new car or a new computer), you take it down a familiar road … SLOWLY! Use it for your next small-scale business application that has some basic user authentication and a few standard features (but, of course, combined in a great and creative way) that can be built without relying on too many plugins. After you’ve gotten comfy with Rails, you can always move on to bigger and more demanding non-standard tasks.

Plugins You Don’t Understand = Plugins You Shouldn’t Use

Talking about plugins: Never, NEVER rely on plugins without fully understanding them.

Every plugin comes with some kind of documentation - either a readme file, some rDoc or even a full-blown website. If there’s no documentation, don’t use it! With 99% certainty, it’s crap! Also, I’d suggest only using plugins that are actively developed (unless there’s a really good reason they’re not actively developed - like small-scale plugins such as acts_as_list, acts_as_paranoid, etc. with only a few files and practically no hacks) and preferring plugins developed by established and experienced Rails developers like Rick Olson and other (former) Rails core developers.

That being said, you should be aware that even well-known and heavily used Rails plugins from experienced developers, such as Rick Olson’s popular restful_authentication plugin have (or at least had) their flaws. It’s a good idea to at least take a good look at the source code and try to understand what it does before blindly installing it and providing malevolent users with new security holes.

Learning from Other People’s Codes

Read other people’s codes.

Of course, again, I would focus on people that have a certain reputation in the Ruby/Rails community. Otherwise you’ll end up hacking away like in the old days with JavaScript (hah, sweet nostalgia). Take a look at some of the great open source projects you find at RubyForge. You should also try, step-by-step of course, to get to know the code of Rails itself. It’s a complex framework but the more you know about it, the better you’ll use it to your advantage.

Je ne comprends pas!

Code in English, God damn it!

Dozens of people at the WWR forums ask questions and post code snippets in Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, … Don’t do that! First of all - doesn’t it look wicked to you if you have your variables in your mother tongue and all the language and framework keywords in English? Second, having English code makes it easier to ask other people for help because everybody knows at least a bit of English. Help others help you and write your code (including database stuff and everything else that youc an) in English - preferably American English.

Test Your Ass Off!

Use TDD or BDD!

The first Rails application I put in production didn’t have a single unit test or spec (and it still doesn’t). If you’re a beginner, that’s even worse than when you’ve reached a certain expertise with Rails. Why? You don’t know yet how the framework handles certain situations - it might behave unexpectedly. Tests/specs to the rescue! Get in the habit of testing your Rails code - and start with your first app! I’d recommend using shoulda or rspec rather than the classic Test::Unit because I think they’re easier to understand if you haven’t done TDD/BDD before.

Two Weeks Back = Old!

Keep up to date what’s going on in the Rails world!

Everyday, there’s a lot going on out there that you should be aware of and there are lots of resources that help keeping you up-to-date such as the Rails Weblog itself, Railscasts, the RailsEnvy Podcast, RubyFlow, Planet RubyOnRails, Ryan Daigle’s Blog (including his series What’s new in Edge Rails), etc. You should definitely add these resources to your feed readers.

Rails Isn’t Always The Right Choice!

Last but not least: A good Rails programmer not only knows how to get a job done with Rails but also knows when Rails doesn’t fit!

I see lots of people writing really tiny apps with Rails these days just to be hip. By tiny I mean apps with only one or two models or even just little scriptlets that focus on a single purpose. Considering Rails’ memory footprint (a Rails app with a couple of Mongrel instances can easily use some 300-400 MB of RAM in heavy usage times) this is pure overkill.

For small apps, plain old PHP may still be a good, maybe even the best, choice. If you definitely want to do Ruby, maybe take a look at Merb - it unites some of the things we love about Rails in a much lighter framework.

Remember: If you’re a good programmer, you don’t select your jobs based on the language you want to use but rather you pick the best language/framework to get each job done - which may well mean you’ll write some apps with Rails, some with Merb and some with PHP, Java or ASP.NET (gross, did I really just suggest that?!).


These are the best tips that come to my mind for learning how to use Rails (or pretty much any framework). Take your time and learn carefully. Keep up-to-date - Rails is moving along more patiently than it did over the last few years but it’s still moving along quite rapidly compared to other frameworks/languages.

And don’t ever forget when using Rails: Have a lot of fun! ;-)

PS: Some of my more regular readers might wonder why the second part of my Guide to Unobtrusive JavaScript still hasn’t been published. I’m sorry for the delay but I have been busy over the last few weeks. The article is nearly finished and will probably be published by the end of next week, so please stay tuned.