
Personal news & plugin release

Personal news

It’s been a little quiet here over the last few months and there are two reasons for that: First of all, I was crazy busy finishing my diploma thesis and studying for my final exam at MCI. But now, after 4 years of (partially) hard work, I’ve bagged my diploma and I’m done with uni (at least for now). Second, and perhaps more important, I’ve prepared my relocation to Berlin, Germany. Some of you, who follow me on Twitter and/or GitHub might have seen that I’ve been contributing actively to adva-cms. Now I got offered a job in Berlin to work full-time on adva-cms with Sven Fuchs and others - and accepted it.


Now for the actual topic of this post. Yesterday, I pushed a new plugin to GitHub: LaterDude. LaterDude is a small calendar helper plugin for Rails with i18n support - which was exactly what we needed for adva-cms or, more specifically, the adva_calendar engine. It was heavily inspired by Jeremy Voorhis’/Geoffrey Grosenbach’s calendar_helper plugin, although - apart, of course, from the i18n support - there are some subtle differences.

I’ve written a pretty extensive README including examples which can be found in the LaterDude GitHub repo.

LaterDude is still work in progress so I’d appreciate any feedback or comments that you might have.