
Using Cucumber to test a multilingual app

Last week I gave my i18n talk from Rails Underground (slightly updated) at our local Ruby Usergroup Berlin (RUG-B). After the talk, a question came up that raised quite a bit of discussion: How do you test translations in Cucumber or - in general - integration tests. While Henning has already summarized what was said, I want to take on the opportunity to take a closer look at this issue.

The Problem

To illustrate the problem, let’s look at the example that Henning uses in his blog post:

When I go to my bookings page
And I press "Delete booking"
Then I should see "Booking deleted"

So far, nothing special - pretty much your average Cucumber scenario. Assume that you have a multilingual page, say, English and German, so you have extracted all localized strings with some kind of translation API (hopefully Rails i18n ;-)). Looking a bit closer, the problem here is twofold:

  1. You can’t change the English translations for “Delete booking” and “Booking deleted” (and there’s probably a couple of hundred more strings in your app anyway).
  2. You can’t run your Cucumber stories with any other locale but English (but you should!).

Some people might dismiss the first issue because this also holds true for monolingual apps (especially if Cucumber stories are written by developers and texts come from the marketing department or similar) but the latter is a real and undeniable issue: Not being able to run your app in all locales provided means that you can’t prove that your app actually works for all locales.

While Cucumber provides us with the possibility to write our tests in our language of choice, there doesn’t seem to be a way to cleanly test multilingual apps across all its locales (yet). So let’s look at some potential solutions that were discussed after my talk.

Solution #1 - Using a separate testing locale

One of the first solutions we discussed was using a separate locale for testing (think en-testing instead of just en). Advantages: You’re still able to use good old strings in your scenarios and nothing breaks when translations in the “real” locales are changed. Disadvantages: Still no way to run your features across different locales and you’ll still break your tests if you change your keys. Plus you have to maintain an additional (unnecessary) locale.

In short: From my perspective, the only acceptable scenario for using this approach could be a monolingual app that still uses i18n so that translators don’t have to mess with your files directly - but even then, it’s hard to justify the additional effort of maintaining the otherwise useless testing locale.

Solution #2 - Use i18n keys instead of strings

Nico suggested the following approach to circumvent the problem:

When I go to my bookings page
And I press "bookings.index.delete"
Then I should see "bookings.index.deleted"

The corresponding steps would look something like this:

When /^I press "([^\"]*)"$/ do |key|
  click_button(I18n.t(key)) # or even I18n.t(key, :default => key) if you want to be able to use the key itself as the default

Then /^I should see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |key|
  response.should contain(I18n.t(key))

This has two obvious advantages: First of all, it works across different locales. Moreover, you only ever need to touch your scenarios if you change your i18n key structure (and if you need to do this, you probably have way bigger problems on your plate than fixing a couple dozen steps).

However, apart from my personal distaste - I think, it just looks artificial and weird - this effectively takes away one of Cucumber’s biggest advantages over other integration testing approaches: its natural language look. This also means it gets more difficult to discuss your scenarios with non-technical people (“What the heck does bookins.index.deleted mean?”). Without that, why not just use plain Rails Integration Tests with Webrat?

If you’re fine with the (subjective) ugliness of using keys in your scenarios, I’d only recommend using this approach if you use Cucumber exclusively as a means to integration testing and if it’s not an important part of the communication with your (non-technical) customer.

Solution #3 - Use your old friend, the DOM

Finally, let’s take a look at the approach I suggested: using the DOM instead of relying on strings. What I had in mind actually slightly differs from the example Henning uses in his post - I thought of something like the following:

When I go to my bookings page
And I click the delete button for booking with title "My booking"
Then I should see a confirmation message

The corresponding steps would look like this:

When /^I click the (.+) button for (.+) with (.+) "([^\"]+)"$/ do |action, model, field, value|
  model = model.gsub(' ', '_')                    # so "forum topic" becomes "forum_topic"
  field = field.join(' ', '_')                    # same same
  klass = model.classify.constantize
  object = klass.send("find_by_#{field}", value)

  click_button("#{action}_#{model}_#{object.id}") # e.g. delete_booking_1

Then /^I should see a (.+) message$/ do |type|
  response.should have_tag("#flash.#{type}")

Note: I haven’t tested this code.

We do something similar in adva-cms - albeit without Cucumber, we use good old Rails Integration Tests - which is, I would guess, one of the bigger i18n-powered apps out there. After first also relying on labels and texts, we pretty soon figured out that we broke our build whenever we decided to change some small and seemingly insignificant text (imagine changing “Upload »” to “Upload” because you use an additional image instead of »). After quite a bit of (heated) discussion, we decided to sacrifice test readability for robustness and switched to (mostly) using DOM ids instead of texts/labels. The problem with decreased readability doesn’t really apply to Cucumber, though, since it abstracts away the actual stories from the code that implement their steps.

Here’s what I see as advantages:

  • The Cucumber scenarios still read natural. I would even argue that saying that I “click the delete button” is more expressive than saying that I “follow/press Delete”.
  • No arguments with the customer about wording at this point (“The message should say ‘We are sorry that you cancelled your booking’ instead of ‘Booking deleted’, that’s just too blunt.”) - it’s just a confirmation message (whatever that may mean).
  • Relies on the DOM which - at least in terms of CSS ids and classes - isn’t likely to change quite as easily as translations. This holds true even more if your app relies heavily on JavaScript/AJAX because if you change your DOM that also means JavaScript stuff (and who wants to do that, really?). Plus, in my opinion you get improved markup for free.
  • The only string the steps depend on is, in this case, the booking’s title which is most probably set up in some kind of fixture or scenario Background and therefore not likely to change.
  • With a little tweaking and sticking to some conventions of your choice, this should work flawlessly across models …
  • … and more importantly across locales. Let the translators do their harm, err, work without having to worry about them breaking your tests. And, of course, you’re able to run your stories in any locale.


  • Obviously doesn’t validate that the delete button and the confirmation actually contain texts. On the other hand, you can set up i18n so that it raises exception if it can’t find a translation.
  • Of course, this diversion from the “Cucumber way” is debatable and definitely a matter of taste.
  • Some steps might need some additional logic and therefore be a little more brittle than they probably should be.
  • Most Cucumber steps have to either be tweaked or be completely rewritten.

So, if you are keen on getting maximum test robustness in terms of i18n and you are willing to slightly change your usual way of using Cucumber, I think this (or something based on this) definitely is the way to go.

What Do You Think?

I’m curious what you think - even more than usual because i18n is one of my favorite topics. I’m especially keen on getting some thoughts from people who might have already come up with solutions for the mentioned problem - please do share your insights!