
RailsConf Europe 2008 Coverage - Day 1

As I mentioned a couple of hours ago I’m at RailsConf Europe 2008. So far, I’ve had a good time and the Conf seems to be better organized than last year (for starters, all the microphones worked from the start ;-) and the registration took only ~5 minutes). Unfortunately, O’Reilly seems to have cut back on the goodies: No RailsConf T-shirts this year and as far as I’ve seen there’s only one magazine that we got (last year it was, like, 10?!). But hey, as long as the talks are good, who cares about a TYPO3 magazine anyways?

So here it goes for today’s talks:

Accessible AJAX on Rails

presented by Jarkko Laine & Geoffrey Grosenbach

On of the three morning tutorials was about how you can make AJAX and JavaScript in general less obtrusive and therefore also more accessible. Jarkko showed some basic techniques of progressive enhancement (really necessary, since most of the people didn’t seem even know the term let alone what it’s about) and introduced Dan Webb’s lowpro pretty early in the game. In my opinion, it was very important that he really elaborated on using the right markup in order to be able to access elements using their respective class name, id or even other CSS3-style selectors. Jarkko also did not only talk but did live coding and a couple of short “try it yourself”-sessions where the participants got little tasks that they should implement. Finally, he showed delegating event handling with Event.delegate which is hidden very well beneath the covers of lowpro and thus probably not used quite as often as it should be used (because it’s good!).

All in all, since I’ve written two articles about unobtrusive javascript myself, the talk was a bit too basic for me. Jarkko presented well, though, and Geoffrey (who replaced Dan Webb, who unfortunately seems to be missing from this years’ Conf) chimed in every now and then and shared his experiences with several things related to the topic.


Deploying and Monitoring Ruby on Rails

presented by Mathias Meyer & Jonathan Weiss

Jonathan started the talk and explained about different ways of serving Rails apps: FastCGI, Mongrel and Phusion Passenger (aka mod_rails). He explained the differences, advantages and disadvantages really well and elaborated on the issue of load balancing. Jonathan said he thinks that Phusion Passenger will become the default way of hosting Rails application over the next few months. He also discussed JRuby/Glassfish/WAR files for deploying Rails applications into existing Java environments.

Jonathan then went on to explain load balancing across multiple physical servers using Apache 2.2’s mod_proxy_balancer, nginx, lighttpd and HAProxy (and other pure web proxies), and their respective pros and cons. Here are his recommendations for some use cases:

  • Small sites (with only one physical/virtual server): Apache 2.2 with Phusion Passenger
  • Medium sites (with multiple servers): Apache 2.2 as frontend proxy and static host, Mongrel (or Phusion Passenger) as the backend.
  • Large sites: redundant load balancers, redundant proxies and static file hosts, plus Mongrel or Phusion Passenger
  • Heavy focus on static files: Static requests handled by nginx or Lighttpd, dynamic requests routed through Apache to Mongrel/Phusion Passenger.
  • Java: WAR files with Glassfish/Tomcat/etc.

He closed the first part of the presentation talking about Ruby Enterprise Edition, Thin/Ebb/Evented Mongrel (although he doesn’t seem to have favorable opinions on Thin & Co.) and up and coming technologies like Fuzed (Erlang-based load balancer), JRuby and, of course, Phusion Passenger.

The talk was handed over to Mathias who talked about deploying Rails applications with Capistrano. He especially focused on recipes and more advanced techniques like using callbacks, namespaces, Capistrano variables and the deprec gem.

Jonathan took over again and introduced Webistrano, the web GUI he created to facilitate deployment with Capistrano and Macistrano, a little tool written by Mathias, to have deployment tools handy on our Aqua desktops.

Afterwards, it was time to get our hands dirty. Jonathan and Mathias had brought a mighty quad-core machine with 40 virtual servers so people could try out deploying the Railscasts website by Ryan Bates. Jonathan also showed how to configure Apache with mod_proxy_balancer to proxy dynamic requests to a cluster of Mongrels. Finally, they demonstrated how to deploy the same application with Phusion Passenger (great for people like me who are thinking about switching to PP for production). After some initial difficulties (turns out an AirPort Express isn’t really suited for servicing a couple dozen synchronous connections) I think all folks took away a lot from the practical part.

In the last part, Jonathan gave a brief overview about tools for monitoring Rails. It was especially cool to see how easily you can configure Monit with its ultra-easy DSL for basic monitoring on Rails (and other services).

Lastly, it was Q&A. Jonathan said that in his opinion memcached is the best caching solution available for Rails if you need really fast caching. He also likes God as an alternative to Monit (which has readable syntax because it’s Ruby) but prefers Monit since it is “older” and therefore has a proven track record.

All in all, this was a really valuable talk and Jonathan and Mathias have a great way of presenting and also engaging with the audience during the practical part. Thumbs up.


Panel discussion

David Heinemeier Hansson, Jeremy Kemper, Michael Koziarski

David started the panel discussion with talking about three upcoming releases that are due to be released during RailsConf (2.0.4 and 2.1.1, which will, among other things, contain REXML fixes, and also a 2.2 beta). We also found out that most of the folks at RailsConf use Rails 2 now and it’s only a few people who are still, dare I say, stuck with Rails 1.2 - which is good because the core team wants to cut back the efforts on 1.2 so they don’t really know how long it’s going to be supported.

What’s good and what’s bad about the way that the whole Rails system is moving?

David especially likes that the ecosystem is growing and that people are blogging about Rails and sharing their stuff. At the same time, he thinks there’s lots of companies and individuals with lots of great code just sitting in their lib and vendor directories and rotting away.

Future of Test::Unit in Rails, because there’s rspec and others?

David would like to get rid of long underscored test names and he’d like to see the word “should” more often. In fact, some of the new stuff in Rails edge even started using the “new style” where you supply the test name as a string. Jeremy, Koz and David agree that the learning curve of Test::Unit is more user-friendly than rspec because you don’t need to wrap your head around the whole idea of behavior driven development. David thinks that, after all, everybody should use what suits them best.

Future of web apps - Sproutcore/MVC in the browser?

David is not a big fan of the idea of pushing more logic onto the browser. “The more stuff you take out of the application, the more stuff you have to write in a language other than Ruby - not good!” (Couldn’t agree more ;-)). Jeremy thinks that Sproutcore is the framework that has evolved best and has actually done some real integration and bridging the gaps between the server and the browser.

Are Gems the best way to publish and manage plugins?

Jeremy thinks that lots of plugins are actually very small and independent of each other so they don’t really need to be Gems and probably shouldn’t be. So he thinks that plugins will stick around in the future but the bigger plugins should be distributed as Gems.

Influence of Merb on Rails? (thread safety, performance, etc.)

Jeremy thinks that there’s definitely light competition going on and Rails does definitely learn a thing or two from Merb (and vice versa). Koz says that Rails still tries to build the best web application framework there is. As far as performance goes, he hates “Hello World” benchmarks because they don’t show the real world performance.

Which Ruby implementation should be used?

Koz’ customers mostly use the current MRI (1.8.6) but thinks that JRuby is coming along really well and that it’s important. Jeremy agrees and also mentions MagLev as a future possibility. RubySpec is the future because it shows how far and how well Ruby has been implemented by the respective implementation.

Other frameworks that are interesting to the core members and what are they playing with?

Koz evades the question (“I’m a Rails consultant”) but states that he’s definitely interested in alternative data stores and persistence technologies such as object-oriented DBs and CouchDB. David is interested in clouding and distributed system technologies (“Having your own machine is like carrying your own electricity”). Jeremy thinks that Sysadmins should pick up convention over configuration to achieve this (chch).

Differences between European and US conferences and other ones?

Koz likes smaller conferences because it’s less frantic and you can have conversations with people. He also likes that it gives new people opportunities to speak. David loves that RailsConf US is a special experience because it’s about being part of the crowd which has a different kind of energy and atmosphere (“It has the big, block-buster kind of mentality.”). He likes that big conferences have lots of applications for talks which, all in all, increases the quality.

Sweet spots for Rails applications (apart from the whole scaling debate)?

Koz thinks that Rails usually fits the problem from a technical perspective but it doesn’t always fit the business - if the team or the company doesn’t accept Rails, it’s not right for them (“It’s not about technology, it’s about culture.”). David agrees and adds that he sometimes thinks that he’d sometimes like if people wouldn’t force Rails on people.
